
We are delighted that you are thinking of coming to stay!  If you would like to eat out in the evening, please do ensure you have booked your restaurants well in advance. Shortly before you arrive it is worth re-checking this reservation due to fast changing circumstances. We do have a bbq at Budle Hall and Sunnyhills (amongst other places) can also supply delicious take-away food.

There are also just a few other things we need to highlight before your visit:

Breakfast is anytime from 8.30am in the dining room as per usual.  If you would like more distance from other guests, or everyone chooses the same time, we can put an extra group in the drawing room for breakfast.

This is a large old house, the upside is that we have plenty of space for social distancing!  We will aim to ensure the highest of standards in cleaning, in particular - door handles, bannister rails, kettle handles etc.  We would also appreciate your input in achieving the safest stay possible. You may wish to bring your own wet wipes or gloves to touch banisters, door handles, shower doors, kettle handles, light switches etc. 

We would ask that you cancel your booking (or leave as soon as possible if already here) if you or any of your party have a:

·         high temperature

·         new continuous cough

·         a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste

We would also ask if you experience any of those symptoms within two weeks after your stay, that you let us know.